Welcome to Gather

The #1 food app for food accommodations

We help businesses optimize operations and satisfy more customers.  We connect consumers to vendors based on the consumers' dietary accommodations.

Good for Consumers. Good for Humanity. Good for Communities.

How it works

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Discover food that meets your dietary accommodations and needs at events.

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Businesses join the Gather platform, gain real-time orders and insights.

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Provide more inclusion and dietary needs for your ticketholders at events.


Gather supports local vendors by focusing on meal choices rather than restaurants ads, solving in-app marketing monopolies, and helping customers discover great local food that meet their dietary needs.

For Vendor


Gather aims to provide freedom for those with dietary accommodations to live an adventure-filled life through food that nourishes you, body and soul.

For Customer


Gather the #1 platform for all dietary differences; have an event or want to provide more inclusion for your guests?

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